Monday, January 16, 2012

New year, new stuff

Welcome, welcome everybody so with this new year my wife and I finally decided to get our finances in order. We've set ourselves up a budget and are doing our best to stick to it. One service that we've found that has made our lives easier is the website It's run by Intuit (The guys behind Quicken/Quickbooks.) It's not perfect, but it is free, and secure. We can check our account balances and budget balance any time on our smartphones. It really is worth checking out. It did struggle with adding out Mountain America account right off the bat, but after an email to the support guys, they seem to have it mostly figured out.

While I was browsing REDDIT one day i was turned on to the /r/beermoney subreddit (basically it's a forum where people are trying to make extra money online.) They have a few strong suggestions as to what sites are the best and what is the best way to make it happen. So I figured I will give it a go, and decided I would chronicle my experiences on this blog, for anybody that might be interested. 

I have been big into Board Games this past year and have been trying to figure out how I can continue to grow my collection without affecting our budget. So far I have been quite impressed but we will see how well it continues.

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